.. _sec.units.timedelay: Time delay ========== Constant delay of input signal .. image:: ../static/images/003_models/timedelay.png :width: 300px :alt: :align: center | Simple shift ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copies all time points :math:`t` from the input stream :math:`In` to the output stream :math:`Out` at the timepoint :math:`t + \Delta t`, delaying the signal by a constant value :math:`\Delta t`. Norm-based ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. math:: \frac{dm}{dt} = \dot{m}_{in}(t-\Delta t) - m To correctly take into account the dynamics of the process, norms of each overall parameter (mass flow, temperature, pressure) are maintained as: .. math:: \frac{d||X||}{dt} = (X(t) - X(t-1))^2 - ||X|| For phase fractions: .. math:: \frac{d||P||}{dt} = \sqrt{\sum_{i}^{N_{P}}{(w_{i}(t) - w_{i}(t-1))^2}} - ||P|| For compound fractions in each phase: .. math:: \frac{d||C_{i}||}{dt} = \sqrt{\sum_{j}^{N_{C_{i}}}{(w_{i,j}(t) - w_{i, j}(t-1))^2}} - ||C|| For each distributed parameter: .. math:: \frac{d||D_{i}||}{dt} = \sqrt{\sum_{j}^{N_{D_{i}}}{(w_{i,j}(t) - w_{i,j}(t-1))^2}} - ||D|| .. note:: Notations: :math:`{m}` – current mass :math:`\dot{m}_{in}` – input mass flow :math:`\Delta t` – time delay :math:`X(t)` – value of an overall parameter at time point :math:`t` :math:`w(t)` – mass fraction at time point :math:`t` :math:`N_{P}` – number of defined phases :math:`N_{C_{i}}` – number of defined compounds in phase :math:`i` :math:`N_{D_{i}}` – number of classes in distribution :math:`i` .. note:: Model parameters: +--------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------------------------------+ | Name | Symbol | Description | Units | Boundaries | +====================+==================+===================================+=======+=================================+ | Time delay | | Model to use | | Norm based, Simple shift | +--------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------------------------------+ | Time delay | :math:`\Delta t` | Time delay | [s] | >=0 | +--------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------------------------------+ | Relative tolerance | | Relative tolerance for DAE solver | [-] | >0 (0 for flowsheet-wide value) | +--------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------------------------------+ | Absolute tolerance | | Absolute tolerance for DAE solver | [-] | >0 (0 for flowsheet-wide value) | +--------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+-------+---------------------------------+ .. seealso:: a demostration file at ``Example Flowsheets/Units/Time Delay.dlfw``. |