Material database

The material database in Dyssol stores physical properties and compound information.

You can find the database structure in the figure below. The compound properties can be constant or T(temperature), P(pressure)-dependent. The dependent properties can be calculated using correlations.


DMDB file

You can find the file Materials.dmdb in your installation folder, which stores global list of materials and their parameters. Typical examples in current database are air, coal, sand, urea and water.

You can extend this database by defining your own new materials using the Tools menu bar → Materials database, which opens the compounds editor and enables you to set new compounds.


Constant parameters

Not all properties have influence on internal calculations. State of aggregation can be used to define several aggregation states of the same material. These parameters can be accessed through units and material streams.

Constant parameters in Dyssol consist of:

  • Critical pressure

  • Critical temperature

  • Heat of fusion

  • Heat of vaporization

  • Molar mass: mandatory for simulation, since many parameters are calculated based on it

  • Normal boiling point

  • Normal freezing point

  • Reactivity type

  • Formation enthalpy

  • State of aggregation: represented by different numbers. 0 for solid, 1 for liquid, 2 for gas, 3 for unknown

  • User defined properties

Dependent parameters

Like constant parameters, temperature- and/or pressure-dependent (TPD) parameters can also be accessed through units and material streams.

Dependent parameters in Dyssol consist of:

  • Density: mandatory for simulation, since it participates in PSD transformations and T-equilibrium

  • Enthalpy: mandatory for simulation, since it participates in T-equilibrium

  • Thermal conductivity

  • Viscosity

  • Permittivity

  • Use defined properties

Interaction properties

List of interaction properties:

  • Interface tension

  • User defined properties


Correlation functions

The correlation functions y = f(T,P) in Dyssol are listed below. The letters a ... f are constants. For different temperatur and pressure ranges, different functions should be applied.

  • Constant:

    y = a

  • Linear:

    y = aT + bP + c

  • Exponential:

    y = a\,b^{c+dT+\frac{eT + f}{gT + h}} + i

  • Power function

    y = a\,T^b

  • Polynomial:

    y = a + bT + cT^2 + dT^3 + eT^4 + fT^5 + gT^6 + hT^7

  • Shomate heat capacity:

    y = a + bT + cT^2 + dT^3 + \frac{e}{T^2}

  • Shomate standard enthalpy:

    y = aT + b\frac{T^2}{2} + c\frac{T^3}{3} + d\frac{T^4}{4} - \frac{e}{T} + f - g

  • Shomate standard entropy:

    y = a + \ln T + bT + c\frac{T^2}{2} + d\frac{T^3}{3} - \frac{e}{2T^2} + f

  • List of T-values (user defined):

    y = \{T1:val1, T2:val2, T3:val3, ...\}

  • List of P-values (user defined):

    y = \{P1:val1, P2:val2, P3:val3, ...\}