Enthalpy lookup table
class CMixtureEnthalpyLookup
Bidirectional lookup table to find the correspondence between temperature and enthalpy of a mixture of materials.
Public Functions
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup() = default
Default constructor.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup(const CMaterialsDatabase *_materialsDB, std::vector<std::string> _compounds)
Constructs lookup table with the pointer to materials database and compounds and default values of limits and number of intervals.
- Parameters
_materialsDB – Pointer to materials database.
_compounds – List of compounds.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup(const CMaterialsDatabase *_materialsDB, std::vector<std::string> _compounds, const SInterval &_limits, size_t _intervalsNumber)
Constructs lookup table with the pointer to materials database, compounds, values of limits and number of intervals.
- Parameters
_materialsDB – Pointer to materials database.
_compounds – List of compounds.
_limits – Temperature limits.
_intervalsNumber – Number of temperature intervals.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup(const CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &_other) = default
Copy constructor.
void SetLimits(const SInterval &_limits, size_t _number)
Sets temperature limits and number of intervals for the lookup table.
- Parameters
_limits – Temperature limits.
_number – Number of temperature intervals.
SInterval GetLimits() const
Returns current temperature limits.
- Returns
Temperature limits.
size_t GetIntervalsNumber() const
Returns current number of temperature intervals.
- Returns
Number of intervals.
void SetMaterialsDatabase(const CMaterialsDatabase *_materialsDB)
Sets pointer to materials database.
- Parameters
_materialsDB – Pointer to materials database.
void SetCompounds(const std::vector<std::string> &_compounds)
Sets new list of _compounds.
- Parameters
_compounds – List of compounds.
void SetCompoundFractions(const std::vector<double> &_fractions)
Sets new fractions of all compounds.
The length of fractions must be equal to the number of previously defined compounds.
- Parameters
_fractions – Compounds fractions.
std::vector<double> GetCompoundFractions() const
Returns current fractions of compounds.
- Returns
Compounds fractions.
size_t Size() const
Returns the number of entries in the lookup table.
- Returns
Number of entries.
double GetEnthalpy(double _temperature) const
Returns enthalpy for the given temperature.
- Parameters
_temperature – Temperature.
- Returns
double GetTemperature(double _enthalpy) const
Returns temperature for the given _enthalpy.
- Parameters
_enthalpy – Enthalpy.
- Returns
double GetEnthalpy(double _temperature, const std::vector<double> &_fractions)
Sets new fractions of all compounds and returns enthalpy for the given temperature.
The length of fractions must be equal to the number of previously defined compounds.
- Parameters
_temperature – Temperature.
_fractions – Compounds fractions.
- Returns
double GetTemperature(double _enthalpy, const std::vector<double> &_fractions)
Sets new _fractions of all compounds and returns temperature for the given enthalpy.
The length of fractions must be equal to the number of previously defined compounds.
- Parameters
_enthalpy – Enthalpy.
_fractions – Compounds fractions.
- Returns
void Clear()
Removes all information.
void Add(double _value)
Adds value to each right (dependent) entry of the mixture table.
- Parameters
_value – New value.
void Add(const CDependentValues &_component, double _weight = 1.)
Adds a component with some weight to each right (dependent) entry of the mixture table.
- Parameters
_component – New component.
_weight – Weight of the component.
void Add(const CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &_table, double _weight = 1.)
Adds another mixture table with some weight to each right (dependent) entry of the mixture table.
Table must have the same number of compounds.
- Parameters
_table – Mixture table.
_weight – Weight of the component.
void Multiply(double _value)
Multiplies each right (dependent) entry of the mixture table with a value.
- Parameters
_value – Value.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup operator+(double _d) const
Adds a value to all entries of the lookup table.
- Parameters
_d – Value.
- Returns
Copy of the lookup table.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup operator*(double _d) const
Multiplies all entries of the lookup table with a value.
- Parameters
_d – Value.
- Returns
Copy of the lookup table.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup operator+(const CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &_t) const
Adds another lookup table.
- Parameters
_t – Lookup table.
- Returns
Copy of the lookup table.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &operator+=(double _d)
Adds a value to all entries of the lookup table.
- Parameters
_d – Value.
- Returns
Reference to the lookup table.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &operator*=(double _d)
Multiplies all entries of the lookup table with a value.
- Parameters
_d – Value.
- Returns
Reference to the lookup table.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &operator+=(const CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &_t)
Adds another lookup table.
- Parameters
_t – Lookup table.
- Returns
Reference to the lookup table.
bool operator==(const CMixtureEnthalpyLookup &_t) const
Compares two lookup tables.
- Parameters
_t – Lookup table.
- Returns
Whether lookup tables are the same.
CMixtureEnthalpyLookup() = default