Unit parameters manager
class CUnitParametersManager
Manager of unit parameters for each unit.
Each parameter may be a member of one or several groups, to allow showing / hiding of some parameters in GUI. Block is defined by a single CComboUnitParameter or CCheckboxUnitParameter and may have several options to choose. Each option is a group of one or several parameters, which should be shown / hidden together, depending on the selection of the corresponding CComboUnitParameter or CCheckboxUnitParameter. One parameter can belong to several groups and several blocks. Block is stored as an index of a CComboUnitParameter or CCheckboxUnitParameter. Group is stored as indices of parameters, which belong to this group.
Public Functions
size_t ParametersNumber() const
Returns number of specified unit parameters.
- Returns
Number of parameters defined in the unit.
bool IsNameExist(const std::string &_name) const
Checks whether unit parameter with given name exists.
- Parameters
_name – Name of unit parameter.
- Returns
Whether unit parameter with given name exists.
std::vector<CBaseUnitParameter*> GetParameters() const
Returns list of all defined unit parameters.
- Returns
List of all defined unit parameters.
std::vector<CBaseUnitParameter*> GetActiveParameters() const
Returns list of all active unit parameters.
- Returns
List of all active unit parameters.
const CBaseUnitParameter *GetParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the unit parameter with the specified index.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Const pointer to the unit parameter.
CBaseUnitParameter *GetParameter(size_t _index)
Returns const pointer to the unit parameter with the specified index.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CBaseUnitParameter *GetParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the unit parameter with the specified name.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Const pointer to the unit parameter.
CBaseUnitParameter *GetParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns const pointer to the unit parameter with the specified name.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstRealUnitParameter *GetConstRealParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the real constant unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstRealUnitParameter *GetConstRealParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the constant real unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstIntUnitParameter *GetConstIntParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the signed integer constant unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstIntUnitParameter *GetConstIntParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the constant signed integer unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstUIntUnitParameter *GetConstUIntParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the unsigned integer constant unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstUIntUnitParameter *GetConstUIntParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the constant unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CDependentUnitParameter *GetDependentParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the dependent unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CDependentUnitParameter *GetDependentParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the dependent unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CTDUnitParameter *GetTDParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the time-dependent unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CTDUnitParameter *GetTDParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the time-dependent unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CStringUnitParameter *GetStringParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the string unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CStringUnitParameter *GetStringParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the string unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CCheckBoxUnitParameter *GetCheckboxParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the check box unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CCheckBoxUnitParameter *GetCheckboxParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the check box unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CSolverUnitParameter *GetSolverParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the solver unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CSolverUnitParameter *GetSolverParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the solver unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CComboUnitParameter *GetComboParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the combo unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CComboUnitParameter *GetComboParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the combo unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CCompoundUnitParameter *GetCompoundParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the compound unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CCompoundUnitParameter *GetCompoundParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the compound unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CMDBCompoundUnitParameter *GetMDBCompoundParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the MDB compound unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CMDBCompoundUnitParameter *GetMDBCompoundParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the MDB compound unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CReactionUnitParameter *GetReactionParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the reaction unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CReactionUnitParameter *GetReactionParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the reaction unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListRealUnitParameter *GetListRealParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the real list unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListRealUnitParameter *GetListRealParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the list real unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListIntUnitParameter *GetListIntParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the signed integer list unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListIntUnitParameter *GetListIntParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the signed integer list unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListUIntUnitParameter *GetListUIntParameter(size_t _index) const
Returns const pointer to the unsigned integer list unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListUIntUnitParameter *GetListUIntParameter(size_t _index)
Returns pointer to the unsigned integer list unit parameter with the specified index.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstRealUnitParameter *GetConstRealParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the real constant unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstRealUnitParameter *GetConstRealParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the constant real unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstIntUnitParameter *GetConstIntParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the signed integer constant unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstIntUnitParameter *GetConstIntParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the constant signed integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CConstUIntUnitParameter *GetConstUIntParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the unsigned integer constant unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CConstUIntUnitParameter *GetConstUIntParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the constant unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CDependentUnitParameter *GetDependentParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the dependent unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CDependentUnitParameter *GetDependentParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the time-dependent unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CTDUnitParameter *GetTDParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the time-dependent unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CTDUnitParameter *GetTDParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the time-dependent unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CStringUnitParameter *GetStringParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the string unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CStringUnitParameter *GetStringParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the string unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CCheckBoxUnitParameter *GetCheckboxParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the check box unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CCheckBoxUnitParameter *GetCheckboxParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the check box unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CSolverUnitParameter *GetSolverParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the solver unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CSolverUnitParameter *GetSolverParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the solver unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CComboUnitParameter *GetComboParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the combo unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CComboUnitParameter *GetComboParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the combo unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CCompoundUnitParameter *GetCompoundParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CCompoundUnitParameter *GetCompoundParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CMDBCompoundUnitParameter *GetMDBCompoundParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the MDB compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CMDBCompoundUnitParameter *GetMDBCompoundParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the MDB compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CReactionUnitParameter *GetReactionParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the reaction unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CReactionUnitParameter *GetReactionParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the reaction unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListRealUnitParameter *GetListRealParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the real list unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListRealUnitParameter *GetListRealParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the list real unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListIntUnitParameter *GetListIntParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the signed integer list unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListIntUnitParameter *GetListIntParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the list signed integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
const CListUIntUnitParameter *GetListUIntParameter(const std::string &_name) const
Returns const pointer to the unsigned integer list unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
CListUIntUnitParameter *GetListUIntParameter(const std::string &_name)
Returns pointer to the list unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist, returns nullptr.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetConstRealParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a constant real unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant real parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
int64_t GetConstIntParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a constant signed integer unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant signed integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
uint64_t GetConstUIntParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a constant unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant unsigned integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetDependentParameterValue(size_t _index, double _param) const
Returns value of a dependent unit parameter with the specified _index and _param.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a dependent parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
_param – Dependent parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetTDParameterValue(size_t _index, double _time) const
Returns value of a TD unit parameter with the specified _index and _time.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a TD parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
_time – Time point.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetStringParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a string unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a string parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
bool GetCheckboxParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a check box unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a check box parameter, returns false.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetSolverParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a solver unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a solver parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
size_t GetComboParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a combo unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a combo parameter, returns -1.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetCompoundParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a compound unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a compound parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetMDBCompoundParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a MDB compound unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a MDB compound parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::vector<CChemicalReaction> GetReactionParameterValue(size_t _index) const
Returns value of a reaction unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a reaction parameter, returns empty vector.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetListRealParameterValue(size_t _index, size_t _valueIndex) const
Returns value of a list real unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list real parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
_valueIndex – Index of the value.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
int64_t GetListIntParameterValue(size_t _index, size_t _valueIndex) const
Returns value of a list signed integer unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list signed integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
_valueIndex – Index of the value.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
uint64_t GetListUIntParameterValue(size_t _index, size_t _valueIndex) const
Returns value of a list unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _index.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list unsigned integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
_valueIndex – Index of the value.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetConstRealParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a constant real unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant real parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
int64_t GetConstIntParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a constant signed integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant signed integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
uint64_t GetConstUIntParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a constant unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a constant unsigned integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetDependentParameterValue(const std::string &_name, double _param) const
Returns value of a dependent unit parameter with the specified _name and _param.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a dependent parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
_param – Dependent parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetTDParameterValue(const std::string &_name, double _time) const
Returns value of a TD unit parameter with the specified _name and _time.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a TD parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
_time – Time point.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetStringParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a string unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a string parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
bool GetCheckboxParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a check box unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a check box parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetSolverParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a solver unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a solver parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
size_t GetComboParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a combo unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a combo parameter, returns -1.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetCompoundParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a compound parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::string GetMDBCompoundParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a MDB compound unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a MDB compound parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::vector<CChemicalReaction> GetReactionParameterValue(const std::string &_name) const
Returns value of a reaction unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a reaction parameter, returns “”.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
double GetListRealParameterValue(const std::string &_name, size_t _index) const
Returns value of a list real unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list real parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
_index – Index of the value in the list.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
int64_t GetListIntParameterValue(const std::string &_name, size_t _index) const
Returns value of a list signed integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list signed integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
_index – Index of the value in the list.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
uint64_t GetListUIntParameterValue(const std::string &_name, size_t _index) const
Returns value of a list unsigned integer unit parameter with the specified _name.
If such parameter does not exist or is not a list unsigned integer parameter, returns 0.
- Parameters
_name – Name of the unit parameter.
_index – Index of the value in the list.
- Returns
Pointer to the unit parameter.
std::vector<double> GetAllTimePoints() const
Returns a sorted list of time points defined in all unit parameters.
- Returns
Sorted vector of time points.
std::vector<double> GetAllTimePoints(double _tBeg, double _tEnd) const
Returns a sorted list of time points form the given interval defined in all unit parameters.
- Parameters
_tBeg – Begin of the time interval.
_tEnd – End of the time interval.
- Returns
Sorted vector of time points.
void AddParametersToGroup(size_t _block, size_t _group, const std::vector<size_t> &_parameters)
Adds the list of parameters by their indices to existing group of existing block.
If block, group or some of the parameters do not exist, does nothing.
- Parameters
_block – Index of a block of unit parameters.
_group – Index of a group of unit parameters shown/hidden together.
_parameters – Indices of unit parameters to add to the group.
void AddParametersToGroup(const std::string &_block, const std::string &_group, const std::vector<std::string> &_parameters)
Adds the list of _parameters by their names to existing _group of existing _block.
If block, group or some of the parameters do not exist, does nothing.
- Parameters
_block – Name of a block of unit parameters (name of the combobox unit parameter).
_group – Value of the combobox, specifying a group of unit parameters shown/hidden together.
_parameters – Names of unit parameters to add to the group.
void AddParametersToGroup(const std::string &_block, bool _group, const std::vector<std::string> &_parameters)
Adds the list of _parameters by their names to existing _group of existing _block.
If block, group or some of the parameters do not exist, does nothing.
- Parameters
_block – Name of a block of unit parameters (name of the checkbox unit parameter).
_group – Value of the checkbox, specifying a group of unit parameters shown/hidden together.
_parameters – Names of unit parameters to add to the group.
bool IsParameterActive(size_t _index) const
Returns true if unit parameter with the specified index is selected in at least one group of any block, or if it is a not grouped parameter.
- Parameters
_index – Index of the unit parameter.
- Returns
Whether unit parameter is selected in one of the groups.
bool IsParameterActive(const CBaseUnitParameter &_parameter) const
Returns true if this parameter is selected in at least one group of any block, or if it is a not grouped parameter.
- Parameters
_parameter – Reference to unit parameter.
- Returns
Whether unit parameter is selected in one of the groups.
bool IsGroupSelector(const CBaseUnitParameter &_parameter) const
Returns true if the given unit parameter defines a group of parameters.
- Parameters
_parameter – Reference to unit parameter.
- Returns
Whether unit parameter is selected in the group.
friend void swap(CUnitParametersManager &_first, CUnitParametersManager &_second) noexcept
Swaps the content of two managers.
- Parameters
_first – First manager.
_second – Second manager.
size_t ParametersNumber() const